Well, what can I say??
This last weekend was one like I have never had before, and one that I will not likely ever see again, given the combinations of activities, people, places and things. Let's start with Saturday, shall we?
It started as a very relaxed weekend. Kerri & I slept in on Saturday morning - for me that means around 8:30 a.m. & for Kerri a little later. We both got ready (read: put on clothes and baseball caps) and went to get pumpkins for carving sometime soon. It was a rather sticky and warm morning, and we both talked about how we hoped the same weather would not spill over into Sunday. We found our way home a short time after pumpkins and a Byerly's shopping trip to really get ready (read: shower) for an afternoon workshop being offered by Birthing from Within author, Pam England.
We traveled to Woodwinds Hospital in Woodbury and were greeted by a few friendly faces that we recognized - and promptly sat for the workshop. The smell of burning incense, dimmed lighting and sound of soothing music welcomed us into the conference room where the workshop would take place. The workshop was very interesting - many of the topics and activities were outside of our normal comfort zone. We listened to discussion about rediscovering rituals and took part in a couple of native rituals ourselves. We will be starting a Birthing from Within class in the coming weeks. I am really looking forward to exploring the ideas and practices that were touched on in this workshop - I'm sure we'll have more to share!
After the workshop was over (at about 4:30 p.m.) we headed home to prepare my pre-marathon meal. Not long after we got home, we were joined by my sister (Tammy) and niece (Alysa). At the time of their arrival, Kerri was frantically hustling about the kitchen tending to four things at once - eat your heart out, Rachel Ray.
The smells of garlic and fresh tomato sauce began filling the house, and before long we were all treated to a fantastic dinner. The pasta sauce was incredible - and spicy! Coupled with the bread, which had freshly roasted garlic and melted cheese, the pasta was just the carb load that I needed to power me through 26.2 miles in the morning. Take note of Kerri's last post and make this one at home, even if you're not running a marathon. The shrimp in the pasta and red pepper flakes in the sauce were a tasty flavor combination. Cheesecake and plenty of glasses of water were the perfect dessert!
Fast-forward to Sunday, 6:30 a.m. After a decent sleep, I awoke, got dressed and started to mentally prepare myself for the run of my life. My running partner, Dan, showed promptly at 7:00 a.m. and we discussed our approach to the race coming up. Kerri dropped us off at the marathon start (Metrodome) and promised to see us at mile 7 (Lyndale Rose Gardens).
I'd take you through a mile-by-mile account of the race, but that would likely feel like the 5 hour and 42 minute torture that it was. In hindsight, it could've been worse. Sure, it was one of the hottest Twin Cities Marathons on record and my training "taper" turned into a "stop", but I didn't pass out from dehydration or burst into tears from the pain. With Kerri, Tammy and Alysa cheering (and with food and water) at miles 7, 17, 20 and 26 and with the constant pushing and encouragement from Dan, I finished my first marathon.
Here I am at mile 17 (still smiling for the camera!):

And here we are at the finish line:

By and large, the marathon was the most physically grueling activity I have ever been through in my life. A day later, I am struggling to walk down stairs and rise from a seated position. But, other than a sore back and tired legs, I am feeling pretty good.
Some tips for any of you would-be marathoners:
- Train properly. Don't let your taper turn into a stop. Do as many miles as you can throughout the training period.
- Hope that you are lucky enough to have a wife like Kerri to take care of you before and after the race. Thanks for the dinner, cheering, food/water, and loving at mile 17, babe. I'm glad you didn't leave - I was looking forward to a little sugar!
- Have a friend like Dan to power you through the rough spots. Dan could've finished the marathon at least an hour ahead of our recorded finish, but he stayed with me the entire time. He helped me push through. I'd like to think that I would've been able to push myself through had he not been there - but my thanks go out to him for sticking with me.
Thanks to Tammy and Alysa for coming to cheer me on through the run. I really appreciate you guys coming down to see me and help me make it through. Your words of encouragement meant a lot! I look forward to running the marathon with you in 2010, Alys. Let's start with some 5k's next summer!
Thanks to everyone else who also had my back but couldn't make it out on race day, for whatever reason. I appreciate the support you gave leading up to the race! I hope this post wasn't too long, drawn out and boring for you all to read. After all, it was my weekend to remember. And remember it, I will...