September 30, 2007

Name Game

I want to thank Kerri for taking the first step in setting up our blog and catching everyone (is that anyone?) up on the last 23 weeks. She did a fantastic job in recounting the highlights and some of the finer points of our foray into the world of parenthood.

It's funny how the little things in our every day take up so much time and thought. Take for example, this blog. Kerri started the new blog process early this week - she signed up on the google (on the internets) and we spent the longest time between the sign-up and the first blog in the 'naming' step. The naming step is something that we've gone through in the past. Kerri and I both spent a considerable amount of time trying to come up with a name for a band that I play(?) and sing in. That one ended up at 'Spinal Cracker', not 'Rubber Lucky' like someone would have chosen...

Roundabout - we've come to the name game to end all name games. We hit the baby name books pretty hard early on, spending evenings and weekends with the "what do you think about...?" conversation. Thanks (again) go out to Kerri for charging down this road. And, she came up with some pretty good names -some others, not so good...

Regardless, it's been fun thinking of names, so far. And, with 16 weeks left before our due date arrives, there is plenty of fun to be had. Kerri feels pretty strongly that she's carrying a girl, so the names that have taken the majority of conversation have been of the female persuasion. We've got a good number of boy's names, too. You'll all find out in January!!

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