Our baby shower was this past Sunday and we had a great turnout. I would say there were about 50 people here. It was a little bit of a madhouse but it was fantastic to see everyone. I hope that it wasn't too crazy for everyone who came...we felt bad that we didn't get to spend more time catching up with people. If we missed you, we're very sorry! We were a little overwhelmed by everything and very grateful for all the wonderful gifts we received. The best gift of the day was being reminded of how much we love all our friends & family and they love us! A special "Thank you!!" goes out to my mom, Tammy (J's sister) and Jen Kinneman for planning and organizing the shower. You guys did a ton of work and we couldn't ever thank you enough!! I didn't get any shower pictures on my camera, but I'm hoping that my sister-in-law, Aymee, did and if so I'll post them later. We probably look a bit like deer in the headlights, anyway.
The nursery is coming along. We only have a few things left to do before it's finished. The changing table, which was my great-grandmother's dresser, needs to be painted and we need to hang pictures, a closet organizer and some other little, miscellaneous things. Here are pictures of the nursery as it is today. My friend Jen, from Seattle, sewed all the crib bedding, the quilt, pillows and curtains as well as the lamp shade. She did an amazing job and we absolutely love how everything turned out! Thank you, Jen! :)
We also redid the spare bathroom for the baby - not that they'll care for the first year or so, but I wanted to do it. We stuck with the same color theme and hung some nursery rhyme inspired pictures on the walls. It's simple but cute.
Other than that, we're still attending some birth classes. Tonight we went to one entitled, "Riding the Natural Wave of Birth" which focused on birth hormones and the physiologic process of a natural, unmedicated birth. It was fantastic and really enforced our desire to birth naturally. I'm still taking yoga when I can and working at Blooma. Jason's keeping busy with work and school and is on his third class already - Research Methodology - sounds like loads of fun, doesn't it? I'll have about 2 weeks starting on December 21st so I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I plan on sleeping excessive amounts, if I can.
If we don't have the opportunity to talk to you before the holidays, we hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year! We wish you peace, love, joy and any other good things which you may need in your life at this time!
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